Monday, January 16, 2006

Episode 04 (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM)

Preview of Episode 04 (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM)

10:00 A.M.
Neither Curtis nor Buchanan is able to make contact with Jack. They assume he’s been captured or killed. Curtis must reconfigure his assault plan.

10:01 A.M.
Beresch addresses Jack by name, and asks him what CTU’s plan is. Jack answers that CTU is waiting for his signal to attack. Jack emphasizes that the U.S does not negotiate with terrorists, but Beresch knows that Logan is weak. Beresch pushes Derek aside and asks for another hostage. Jack begs Beresch to allow him to buy more time before he kills another innocent victim.

10:04 A.M.
The White House gets word that CTU lost contact with Jack. They watch as another hostage is shot in front of the camera. Beresch accuses Logan of signing a “corrupt” treaty with the blood of hostages. The President is horrified, and he offers to postpone the summit in order to save the people. Cummings advises Logan to stay on course because the terrorists will never release the hostages.

10:06 A.M.
Evelyn encourages Martha to show Logan the paper transcript that will prove the Palmer phone conversation was doctored. Knowing that her husband is preoccupied and that he believes she is unstable, Martha wants to wait until after the treaty is signed. She slips the paper into her bra for safe keeping.

10:07 A.M.
Curtis tells Diane that he doesn’t know whether Jack and Derek are safe.

10:08 A.M.
Beresch watches a news report about the President moving ahead with the treaty. He orders Jack to convince CTU that he has revised the assault plan to another entry. Beresch threatens to kill Derek.

10:09 A.M.
Lynn McGill from District arrives at CTU and abruptly assumes control over the chain of command. He even takes Buchanan’s office.

10:11 A.M.
Forced by Beresch, Jack calls CTU and explains that he was forced to end the earlier transmission. Jack tells Curtis to set up in another exit. He stresses that he is in “flank two” position. Buchanan and Curtis make changes to their plans.

10:17 A.M.
Curtis lets Buchanan know he needs another fifteen minutes to reposition. McGill summons Buchanan up to his office. He wants to review the playbook before he approves the mission. Buchanan bristles, but agrees.

10:19 A.M.
Beresch believes that the White House is not giving in because they think they have an option with CTU’s attack. Derek blames himself for Jack getting captured. “This is not over,” Jack says with certainty.

10:20 A.M.
Novick brings the President the good news that CTU regained contact with Jack. Even though the mission is proceeding, Logan isn’t convinced that the hostages won’t be killed.

10:21 A.M.
Logan walks out to meet Suvarov and he tells him that the rescue attempt will move forward. Suvarov says that if they are both unable to deal with these terrorists, then the treaty will become a mockery.

10:22 A.M.
Cummings asks Evelyn about Martha retrieving a document with highly sensitive intelligence protocols. Evelyn says that it was only a transcript of a call with Palmer. Cummings threatens Evelyn with prosecution for aiding a criminal act. She tells him that Martha has the document inside her blouse.

10:23 A.M.
Logan worries about CTU’s ability to bring down the terrorists in the short time he has before the treaty will be signed.

10:24 A.M.
CTU watches as Logan arrives at the stage a minute ahead of schedule. When Chloe asks if they should warn Curtis, Buchanan snaps at her. She thinks that Buchanan is convinced they won’t be able to save the hostages.

10:29 A.M.
Logan addresses the hostage situation to the reporters. He is emphatic that they will not let the terrorists win.

10:30 A.M.
Novick checks in with Buchanan, who asks him to slow down the ceremony. Novick refuses.

10:31 A.M.
Beresch guarantees Nathanson that everything will go according to plan. The White House is under the false impression that their assault will save the hostages. Nathanson warns him to carry out the threat regardless of whether the treaty is signed.

10:32 A.M.

McGill questions Buchanan on the sudden attack alterations. He is suspicious of the circumstances surrounding Jack’s decision. McGill wants to review all the transcripts of Jack’s phone transmissions.

10:33 A.M.
As Curtis gets his teams ready to attack, McGill asks Chloe to unlock a node in the call logs. She is rude to him, and complains to Spenser that he is a hindrance. Spenser says that McGill is known for firing much of his own staff for incompetence.

10:34 A.M.
One of Beresch’s men finds Chevensky’s dead body and the keycard he was hiding. Jack sees Beresch discreetly pass the keycard to a male hostage in a yellow tie. The man pockets the card and pretends to huddle in fear with the others.

10:39 A.M.
Beresch has Jack answer his ringing cell phone, where Curtis lets Jack know that his teams are in place. Jack reiterates that he is in the “flank two” position. Jack hesitates and then finally gives Curtis the green light to move in. Curtis counts down a minute to launch, not knowing that bombs are set up where his men are about to enter.

10:40 A.M.
McGill rushes into the CTU situation room and demands that the assault be stopped. He found that Jack was using a code to indicate that an agent is making a communication under duress. Although nothing came up on the filters, McGill points out that “flank two” was the code back when Jack was an active agent. Chloe confirms this, and Buchanan tells Curtis to abort and go back to the original set up.

10:42 A.M.
Beresch doesn’t understand why CTU is late in attacking. He makes Jack call CTU, and Buchanan tells Jack that there was a malfunction. They will be ready to launch the attack any minute.

10:43 A.M.
As Logan and Suvarov sign the treaty, Nathanson calls Beresch. Nathanson orders him to kill all the hostages because it is now too late. Suddenly, the wall where Beresch’s men are waiting for CTU explodes. The men fire back but there’s no one there. CTU SWAT teams attack from behind and take out the gunmen.

10:44 A.M.
Jack grabs a gun from one of the men and starts shooting. Jack hits Beresch in the hand to wound him before he can commit suicide. Beresch makes his way to one of his fallen men and detonates the vest. He is dead. Curtis alerts CTU that they have secured the terminal. The remaining hostages are unharmed.

10:45 A.M.
Novick passes the good news to President Logan, who makes an announcement to the press. “The rescue operation that I authorized was successful,” he boasts.

10:46 A.M.
Jack hugs Derek. “I have to finish this,” he says before sending him to the command post. Jack looks among the hostages and realizes that the man with the yellow tie is gone.

10:51 A.M.
A tearful Derek reunites with his mother. He tells her that Jack saved not only his life but all the hostages’ lives. Diane asks an agent if she can see Jack, but the agent has instructions to escort them back to CTU.

10:52 A.M.
As soon as the treaty is signed, Martha urgently requests a few minutes alone with Logan. He promises to speak to her after the ceremony. She demands to be paid attention to, exclaiming that she is not crying wolf. “Do not ruin this moment for me,” Logan dismisses. Cummings approaches the distraught Martha, who helplessly says that the situation is more dangerous than the President knows. Cummings presses her for information, but she will only talk to her husband.

10:54 A.M.
Buchanan apologizes to McGill for brushing him aside because his thoroughness helped save the day. McGill asserts that it was Buchanan’s insistence about Jack’s integrity caused him to double check. Yet McGill still wants Jack taken into custody because he hasn’t been fully cleared of Palmer and Michelle’s deaths. Audrey pipes in that the evidence and Chloe’s testimony prove that he is innocent, but McGill notes that the video surveillance of Jack near the assassination site was not doctored. McGill orders Jack to be brought in for questioning.

10:55 A.M.
Jack tells Curtis about the missing hostage with a keycard who was working with the terrorist. Curtis has been ordered to bring Jack into custody.

10:57 A.M.
The man with the yellow tie enters a subterranean tunnel below a hangar. He shows his keycard to a gunman and tells him that Chevensky is dead. The two climb into a hole drilled into the floor where a giant metal holding container is kept. The yellow tie man inserts his keycard and the top is opened to reveal several canisters. The gunman checks the canisters for radioactivity. The yellow tie man calls Nathanson and says that they are moving the canisters out.

10:58 A.M.
Cummings slips into Martha’s room and grabs her from behind, putting a chloroform-soaked cloth over her mouth. Martha’s screams are muffled and she loses consciousness. Cummings takes the paper transcript from her bra.


In November 1979, while Iran was going through religious and political upheaval, a group of revolutionaries attacked and seized the American Embassy in Tehran. The terrorists justified taking the hostages as retaliation for the admission of the Shah into the United States. They demanded the Shah be returned to Iran for a trial. The people inside the Embassy were held hostage on American soil for 444 days.

Although there were no other hostage situations by foreigners inside the United States, many other terrorist attacks on American soil have cost the lives of citizens. A large vehicle packed with high explosives was driven into the U.S. Embassy compound in Beirut in 1983, killing 63 people. That same year, hundreds of American servicemen were killed at the U.S. Marine Corps headquarters in Beirut. A 1985 car bomb killed soldiers at a U.S. military complex in Riyadh, Saudi America. And the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York City and the Pentagon took thousands of lives.

Episode 03 (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM)

Preview of Episode 03 (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM)

9:00 A.M.
As commotion spreads throughout the airport, Diane is prevented from entering the terminal. An officer hears her say that she has information for CTU.

9:02 A.M.
The gunmen shoot one of the hostages attempting to make a cell call. They take away all phones and pagers.

9:03 A.M.
The terrorists cannot find their contact, Chevensky. Jack overhears them speaking in Russian.

9:04 A.M.
The leader of the terrorists, Beresch, phones the airport police and warns them not to enter the terminal. He threatens to detonate all of his men’s explosive vests, killing the captives. The police drop back, but the airport officer asks for Diane to be brought forward.

9:05 A.M.
When the gunmen move out of Chevensky’s office, Jack climbs up a luggage rack to enter the air ducts from a ceiling tile.

9:06 A.M.
After Suvarov arrives safely, CTU and the Secret Service relax their security around the summit. Buchanan learns that the assassin’s body was found at the refinery, as Chloe had claimed. This proves Jack’s innocence.

9:07 A.M.
Suddenly, Buchanan gets a call from Jack. Audrey asks to listen in. Jack explains that he is in the Ontario Airport where a group of gunmen have taken hostages. Spenser gives Buchanan confirmation that this is true. Jack had followed a lead and believes this is connected to Palmer. Buchanan orders Jack out. “I don’t work for you,” Jack says sternly. He provides intelligence on the terrorists from the inside, and sends cell phone photos of the men. Jack asks Buchanan to look out for Diane and Derek Huxley, whom he sent to CTU.

9:08 A.M.
Novick and Cummings pull Logan aside to brief him on the hostage situation. CTU thinks this is connected to the summit. Logan apologizes to Suvarov.

9:10 A.M.
Spenser sends Jack’s phone a schematic of the terminal. When Edgar can’t match the faces from Jack’s photos, the imprisoned Chloe interjects with a tip. Buchanan realizes that he needs her expertise and he allows her to work during the crisis. He’ll deal with her violations later.

9:11 A.M.
Edgar finds an ID on Beresch, a former officer of a Russian breakaway republic. Chloe starts working on more matches. They turn on the news for a live feed from the terrorists at the airport.

9:12 A.M.
On video, a masked Beresch demands that the anti-terrorism summit with the Russian president be called off. He wants his people to have a “true national sovereignty.”

9:13 A.M.
Logan watches the news and is furious. He has staked his entire Administration on this summit. Novick asks him to take a few moments to think it through, but Logan orders an immediate fix so that he can continue with the summit.

9:14 A.M.
Curtis takes a CTU chopper to the airport. He phones Jack, who gives him the details on what he sees inside. Jack overhears an officer tell Curtis that Diane Huxley has information. Jack asks to speak to her.

9:15 A.M.
Diane tells Jack that Derek went back into the terminal. Jack pulls out a pair of binoculars and finds Derek in the crowd of huddled hostages. Derek is not hurt. Jack promises to return Derek safely. Jack then asks Curtis to take Diane back to the command post.

9:21 A.M.
Buchanan briefs the President’s team. Logan is unyielding in wanting the terrorists caught before the treaty is to be signed. Buchanan says that they must be prepared to face civilian casualties. Logan doesn’t accept this. He grants CTU authority to extend an offer to the terrorists.

9:22 A.M.
Chloe back traces the phone number from Beresch’s call to the police. Buchanan gets Beresch on the line and offers to make a peaceful resolution. Beresch asserts that the American president denounce the treaty. He hangs up on Buchanan.

9:23 A.M.
Beresch takes one of the hostages, and Jack reports this to Curtis. Beresch puts on the mask and shoots the civilian in front of the camera fed to the news. Logan and Novick recoil in horror. Cummings is unusually calm.

9:24 A.M.
Beresch grabs Derek from the crowd and places him in front of the camera. From the command post, Diane sees Derek on the feed. She reacts frantically and the agents must pull her away.

9:25 A.M.
Beresch announces to the camera that the American president has 15 minutes before he will kill Derek. Jack presses Curtis to accelerate the assault, but Curtis cannot risk the entire operation for one person. Jack says that he will not jeopardize the mission.

9:31 A.M.
Martha watches the news reports and realizes that this is all connected to Palmer. Her aide Evelyn is concerned with her obsessive reaction, but Martha insists that Palmer had called her about this. She tells Evelyn that someone altered the tape of her conversation. Martha implores Evelyn to cover for her and she leaves.

9:32 A.M.
Jack calls Chloe and is surprised that she has answered. He sends a photo of another hostile and has her do a close-up of the man’s vest. There is a second detonator on it. They realize that it’s wireless, and can probably be set off by a cell phone held by the leader. Jack asks Chloe to find that detonation frequency. Jack admits that he hasn’t cleared this with Buchanan, but he needs her help to save Derek.

9:33 A.M.
Chloe asks Spenser to reconfigure Jack’s phone so that it emits an alternate signal. Spenser has the best bandwidth processing experience. Chloe admits that this is off protocol, but she says that she needs him. Spenser handles switching Jack to the detonator frequency. Edgar watches this all go down.

9:34 A.M.
Secret Service Agent Pierce goes to pick up Martha. Evelyn pretends that the First Lady is in a bad mood and asks him to wait.

9:35 A.M.
Martha slips into the men’s room of the tech office. She approaches a communications officer named Burk as he’s at the urinal. She asks about the recorded phone calls. Although the written transcripts are stored, a proper security clearance is required to access them. Martha unbuttons her top and jostles her stockings. She threatens to scream. Burk quickly hands her his security card. She sweetly says she will return it.

9:42 A.M.
Chloe and Spenser cannot find the manufacturer of the detonator. They are running out of time.

9:43 A.M.
Curtis lays out his attack plan for Buchanan. Meanwhile, Derek pleads for his life to Beresch.

9:44 A.M.
Beresch calls Buchanan and threatens to kill the boy, whose blood will be on the President’s hands.

Spenser finds the manufacturer of the detonator, and Chloe gives Jack instructions on how to set it off.

9:45 A.M.
As Beresch prepares to kill Derek, Jack waits impatiently for the signal to go through on his phone. Beresch chambers a round at Derek’s head. Before he can fire, Jack explodes one of the men’s vests. Beresch runs after the sound, ordering his men to keep the exits secure. Curtis can’t figure out what happened.

Buchanan calls Jack, who confesses that he was responsible for the man’s exploding vest. Buchanan holds his anger. Jack gives Curtis the terrorists’ change in formation.

9:46 A.M.
Buchanan reassures Logan that, even with the explosion, the situation is under control. He tells the President that Jack is actually alive and has acted independently to stop the death of a hostage. Jack may have been framed for Palmer’s murder. Logan is furious that he wasn’t told about these updates earlier and he demands to know everything. Cummings hears that Jack is working inside the airport.

9:52 A.M.
With his charge not ready, Agent Pierce opens Martha’s door. Evelyn tries to cover, but Pierce says it will be her fault if Martha is harmed. He wants to know where she is. Meanwhile, in the storage room, Martha discovers the paper transcript of the phone conversation.

9:53 A.M.
Curtis assembles his assault team into place. He confirms to Diane that Derek is alive.

9:54 A.M.
Agent Pierce takes Martha from the storage room to escort her to the event. Martha hands Burk his card. Evelyn apologizes, but Martha whispers that she got what she came for.

9:55 A.M.
Cummings calls Nathanson with news that Jack is inside the terminal providing reconnaissance for CTU. Their rescue operation is set to launch any minute. He says that Jack was responsible for setting off the detonation in the vest. Jack also has a connection to Derek, one of the hostages. Cummings hangs up when Agent Pierce arrives. Pierce informs him that he found Martha in an archive storage room. Cummings panics.

9:56 A.M.
Jack relays the gunmen’s positioning to Curtis. Curtis counts down to his attack launch. Nathanson calls Beresch and tells him about Jack.

9:57 A.M.
Jack sees Beresch pull out a laptop. Suddenly, Jack’s phone is blast with a digital noise. He loses connection with CTU. With no idea of where the terrorists have positioned, Curtis is forced to abort the operation.

9:58 A.M.
Beresch calls out to Jack on the loud speaker, commanding him to show himself in order to save Derek. Jack appears and puts down his weapon. The gunmen secure hiM.


Ever since 1940, with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, American presidents have taped conversations and phone calls in the Oval Office. Microphones were drilled into White House walls, drawers, and light fixtures. Secret switches were rigged to tables, desks and lamps. These were connected to recording devices in secret chambers. Presidential phone lines were linked to Dictaphone machines stashed away in closets. Sometimes they even had stenographers and video cameras to openly record White House business.

The Oval Office was bugged by FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Nixon. Johnson only tapped the phones. Reagan’s head-of-state phone calls were recorded through the basement Situation Room. Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson would signal their secretaries to begin recordings. Some also taped conversations in the Cabinet Room. Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon installed bugs in the White House Mansion.

After President Kennedy was assassinated, one of the first things Lyndon Johnson did when he took over the Oval Office was to install a tape recording system. Kennedy had made secret tapes of his White House conversations, but Johnson took the practice to the extreme by taping hundreds of hours of inside his office as well as more than 9,000 phone calls.

In July, 1973, it was revealed that presidential conversations in the Nixon White House had been tape recorded since 1971. Those tapes consist of about 3,700 hours of recordings containing approximately 2,800 hours of recorded conversations between the President, his staff, and visitors at locations inside the official offices and Oval Office telephones.

Although most of these Presidents probably instilled taping devices to help them write their memoirs later in life, an experienced executive like Eisenhower probably recorded important meetings out of habit. For historians, these audio tracks have served as a tool for analyzing each President as a leader, politician and manager.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Episode 02 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM)

Preview of Episode 02 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM)

8:00 A.M.
Edgar shows Buchanan and Audrey security footage from the suspected location of the Palmer assassin. Jack is seen in the video.

8:03 A.M.
Jack wants to go back to Wayne’s apartment to uncover the truth, and he needs Chloe to access the building’s schematic as well as the interagency deployment. She thinks she can obtain this from a remote site. Derek is afraid of Jack because he watched him kill a man. Jack threatens him in order to keep him in line.

8:04 A.M.
Edgar confirms that the security cam video has not been doctored. Audrey is shocked to find out that Jack may still be alive, but she is insistent he not behind Palmer’s murder. Buchanan has phone logs proving that Palmer, Tony and Michelle had all spoken to Jack before he was supposedly killed. Buchanan thinks they conspired to fake Jack’s death because he was facing charges from the Chinese. Audrey still doesn’t believe that Jack kill his own friends.

8:05 A.M.
Curtis gets confirmation that Chloe was also on the phone calls between Jack, Palmer, Tony and Michelle. Edgar is surprised that Chloe knew Jack was alive and kept it hidden from hiM. Buchanan orders a warrant for Jack’s arrest.

8:06 A.M.
Cummings offers to trace the call Palmer made to Martha. Audrey contacts the President and tells him that Jack Bauer is the suspect based on CTU’s evidence. Logan again refuses to postpone the summit. He doesn’t want President Suvarov’s security to know that he might be in jeopardy.

8:09 A.M.
A spotter calls a man named Nathanson from the abandoned oil refinery with news of Haas the assassin’s death. Nathanson wants CTU to bring Jack in so that they can eliminate him then. There is less than an hour to “launch.”

8:14 A.M.
Chloe drives the assassins’ van while Jack inspects their gear. Diane calls “Frank’s” cell and begs to know what’s happening. Jack assures her that Derek is fine.

8:15 A.M.
Chloe pulls the van up to Wayne Palmer’s building where crowds and camera crews have gathered. She shows her CTU badge to the Secret Service and is let past the barricades to the underground parking garage.

8:16 A.M.
Jack takes out the assassin’s earwigs and Chloe taps into the agents’ transponder signals off the grid so that she can track theM. She sees that there are 167 agents at the location. Derek watches in amazement as Jack knocks out an FBI agent in the garage. “Relax, he’s really good at this,” Chloe tells hiM. Jack puts on the agent’s jacket and badge and heads into the building.

8:18 A.M.
Chloe leads Jack to Wayne’s penthouse, but alerts him to four agents stationed in the lobby. The people get on the elevator as Jack stands in the back of the car unnoticed.

8:19 A.M.
Jack makes his way into the apartment and sees Palmer’s slain body. This affects him deeply, and he slips into an empty rooM.

8:20 A.M.
Derek mentions that his mother called Jack by the name “Frank.” Chloe tells him that Jack used to work for the government and that people wanted him dead. She says that Jack had to give up everything, including his daughter.

8:21 A.M.
Jack finds Palmer’s email account on the computer, and Chloe looks for the password. Suddenly, Wayne enters the room and Jack pulls out his gun. Wayne accuses Jack of killing his brother, but Jack swears he would have given his own life to save Palmer. “He was my friend,” Jack says earnestly. Someone is framing him, and Jack needs Wayne’s help. Wayne doesn’t believe him, so Jack hands him his gun. Wayne breaks down.

8:24 A.M.
Martha tells Cummings that she knows Logan doesn’t believe her.

8:25 A.M.
Jack asks Wayne if Palmer had done or said anything out of the ordinary. Wayne thought that Palmer was distracted. Jack pulls up an encrypted file and Wayne realizes it is the first chapter of the President’s memoir. They compare it to printed versions to figure out why this one was encrypted.

8:26 A.M.
Edgar gives Spenser a hard time about allowing Chloe to be put in jeopardy. Spenser feels bad as it is. Edgar gives him Chloe’s access code, but Spenser finds that someone is already logged in. Edgar sees that Chloe is tapped in from a remote location.

8:27 A.M.
Edgar lets Buchanan know that Chloe is tracking Secret Service deployment from Wayne Palmer’s building. The signal is faint, so she might be underground. Buchanan thinks someone like Jack might be forcing her to erase evidence for hiM. He calls Secret Service.

8:33 A.M.
Wayne sees that his brother added a name and address in the middle of a sentence. Jack has Chloe look up the name Chevensky at 16 Transport Way. The name and address are of a baggage handler at the Ontario Airport. Chloe tracks a lot of movement into the building, and Jack senses that he’s been found. Wayne offers to help, but Jack doesn’t want to risk him being connected. Jack asks him not to reveal what they have uncovered and he takes back the gun.

8:34 A.M.
Jack exits the room and sees that the agents are being distributed his photo. Chloe finds an exit for him by the kitchen. Jack knocks out the lone agent at that door and slips out into the elevator.

8:35 A.M.
Chloe loses her scan because they’ve found that she’s logged on. Jack gets out on the second floor and runs down the stairwell, knocking out another agent. He gets in Chloe’s van.

8:36 A.M.

Secret Service swarms the garage. Chloe peels out, but the agents do not shoot because they want the suspects captured alive. The van is trapped by police cars outside, and Chloe gets out with her hands up. Jack and Derek are not in the van.

8:37 A.M.
On the street, Jack breaks into a car and lets Derek in. He picks the lock and starts the car, pulling away undetected.

8:42 A.M.
Jack calls Diane and tells her to head toward the Ontario Airport. He apologizes for getting her and Derek involved.

8:43 A.M.
The lead Secret Service agent contacts Buchanan, who speaks to Chloe. She explains that Jack is being framed to cover up the real assassin. Chloe even heard the man’s dying confession and she tells him where to find the man’s body. She refuses to say where Jack is because they are trying to arrest hiM. Buchanan is furious, and has her brought back to CTU.

8:44 A.M.
Derek tells Jack that Chloe told him some things about his past. Jack never wanted him and his mother to find out. He liked them as family, and he thought he might have a second chance at a normal life. Jack swears that he cares about both Derek and Diane.

8:45 A.M.
Logan tells his wife that Palmer was killed by an unstable, ex-CTU agent and there was no conspiracy as she claimed. He plays a tape of the call from the previous night. The audio is of Palmer asking Martha to attend a charity dinner saying, “It’s hardly a matter of national security.” Martha is adamant that this is not the call. Logan says that her memory is affected because she is off her medication. Martha is distraught and he comforts her.

Edgar alerts Buchanan and Audrey that their sources say that the summit is a target during the next fifteen minutes. This is when the Russian president lands at the retreat.

8:46 A.M.
Nathanson’s men watch as Russian President Suvarov’s helicopter leaves the airbase and heads for the retreat. Nathanson orders them to go dark and cut off communication until after the strike.

8:48 A.M.
Novick warns the President that CTU has confirmed that Suvarov’s helicopter is a target. Logan still refuses to postpone the summit. Novick suggests that they alter the transportation, but Logan wants the pageantry of Suvarov’s arrival to remain intact.

8:54 A.M.
Jack pulls up at the airport and sees Diane. He apologizes to Derek for the way he’s been treated, and sends him to her. Diane is relieved, but demands to know what has happened. Jack gives up his real name and says that he lied about a lot of things. He sends them to CTU to see Buchanan. “Tell them the truth,” he says as he walks away.

8:56 A.M.
Jack goes to the baggage claim area of the airport.

Buchanan and his team watch as Suvarov lands safely in Marine One and is met by Logan at the retreat. “The intel must have been wrong,” he says. Nathanson watches on television as well and smiles to himself.

8:57 A.M.
As Diane pulls out of the airport, Derek spots a group of men getting out of a van with bags and heading toward baggage. He knows that’s where Jack went and he senses that something is wrong. Derek runs out after them to warn Jack. Diane attempts to chase him, but the airport police make her move her car.

8:58 A.M.
Jack finds Chevensky’s office and pulls his gun on the man, demanding to know why Palmer was killed. Nathanson’s men set off a bomb to explode their van. Jack hears the noise and looks into the hallway. As he steps away, Chevensky takes a poison pill.

8:59 A.M.
The men fire machine guns into the air and kill the guards in the terminal. Derek is one of the hostages along with the other passengers. Jack sees the commotion from the hallway. “You will not be harmed as long as your President complies with our wishes,” one of the men announces.

Chloe is lead into CTU in handcuffs.

Cummings calls Nathanson. He reports that he altered Martha’s phone conversation before the President heard it. There is no longer any evidence that Palmer tried to warn her of the attack. Nathanson tells him that the terminal and the hostages are secured. The President will soon be notified of their demands.


James Buchanan is the first president to write his memoirs. “Mr. Buchanan’s Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion” was published in 1866 and sold poorly. This might have been due to the fact that he was apologetic about a Civil War that Americans did not want to relive. Early Presidents, such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, did not feel the need to record their stories for posterity.

Presidents are not famed for their writing skills. “Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography” lacks the man’s vibrancy. Harry Truman’s two volumes are void of the toughness he exhibited in office. The great storyteller Lyndon Johnson could not replicate that talent in the written word.

Historians single out “The Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant” as a notable literary exception among the usual bland books written by former Presidents. Ulysses S. Grant wrote his memoirs while dying of throat cancer, but he demonstrated talent for clear, succinct prose (which supports the rumor that his publisher, Mark Twain, actually served as ghost writer). He focused the narrative on his service as a General in the Civil War, relying heavily on papers, correspondence and official reports he had written during the war. He also utilized several researchers. Grant passed away prior to writing about his term in the White House.

Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Johnson chose to write specifically about their times in office. “The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge” is a standard account that follows him from childhood through political career. Presidents Hoover, Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton all used the same autobiographical format in their memoirs.

Episode 01 (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM)

Preview of Episode 02 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM)


7:00 A.M.
Jack waits to be hired at an oil refinery in the Mojave desert. The foreman refers to him as “Frank Flynn.”

7:02 A.M.
In Wayne Palmer’s Los Angeles high rise apartment, former President Palmer works on his memoirs. Wayne notices that Palmer is distracted. As Palmer stands by the window overlooking the city, a gunshot blasts through the glass and hits him in the neck. From another building, the assassin Haas lowers his rifle.

7:04 A.M.
Aides Walt Cummings and Mike Novick prep President Logan at his retreat in Santa Ynez, California. Logan asks Cummings to look in on the First Lady before the Russian President’s visit. “She can’t have one of her meltdowns today,” he warns. Novick gets word that Palmer has been killed. He is grief-stricken.

7:07 A.M.
At CTU, Buchanan and Curtis run through their lists to narrow the search. Logan demands from Buchanan that the assassin be killed or arrested before the Russian President arrives. Buchanan advises the President to postpone his signing of the arms agreement treaty in case the incidents are connected. Logan refuses.

7:08 A.M.
Chloe wakes up and kicks out her CTU subordinate, Spenser Wolff, from her bed. She tells him that the night before was a mistake, but Spenser disagrees. Suddenly, Chloe’s cell phone gets a text message that Palmer is dead.

7:10 A.M.
Jack watches television reports of Palmer’s assassination from his small apartment in the desert. He tears up at the news. When someone knocks at the door, Jack trains his gun. He lowers it when he realizes that it is his neighbor and girlfriend, Diane Huxley. She invites “Frank” over for breakfast.

7:11 A.M.
Diane’s teenage son Derek is not pleased that his mother is seeing “Frank.” Derek tries to catch Jack in a lie on his oil rig work. Diane doesn’t question Jack about his past because she trusts him.

7:13 A.M.
From their home, Tony and Michelle see the news about Palmer. They argue about whether to call in to their former employer CTU since they were on the investigations into the previous attempts on Palmer’s life. Michelle thinks they could assist the case. Tony wants to focus on their current company. She leaves alone for CTU, but when she gets in her car, it explodes. Tony finds Michelle’s body in the wreckage. Another blast hits Tony and knocks him over.

7:21 A.M.
At CTU, Edgar and Spenser look for connections between Tony, Michelle and Palmer. Edgar calls Chloe, who is on her way into the office. He tells her that Michelle is dead and that Tony is injured. Chloe becomes suspicious when she sees a white van trailing her. She hangs up on Edgar and runs. Inside the van is Haas. Chloe loses the man chasing her in the morning commute rush.

7:23 A.M.
While sitting with Diane, Jack gets an urgent call from Chloe who apologizes for breaking protocol. She tells him about Tony and Michelle, as well as the people chasing her. Chloe is convinced that all the people who know about Jack being alive are targeted. Jack warns her to go dark because there might be a leak inside CTU. He instructs her to head north out of Los Angeles to an abandoned oil refinery where he will meet her. Jack pulls a satchel out of the air vent in his apartment and leaves.

7:25 A.M.
Tony is sent to CTU for medical attention because they can’t protect him at a hospital. Buchanan wants his team to find the connection between Tony and Michelle with Palmer. Audrey Raines arrives at CTU as the Defense Department’s liaison on the investigation. Audrey agrees with Buchanan about postponing the treaty signing, but the President cannot be swayed.

7:27 A.M.
President Logan gives a press conference about Palmer’s death at the retreat.

7:28 A.M.
An aide named Evelyn puts the final touches on First Lady Martha Logan’s makeup. “I look like a wedding cake,” Martha says before abruptly dunking her head in the sink of water. Walt Cummings breaks the news about Palmer to her. She becomes upset because she and the former President were close friends. Martha says she has to talk to her husband immediately. Cummings orders the secret service agents to keep her away from the press conference.

7:30 A.M.
Martha goes outside, and argues with Novick and the agents holding her back. She refuses to tell them what is so urgent and asks to see Logan when he is done.

7:37 A.M.
Jack speeds to the refinery and knocks out a rescue helicopter pilot. Derek has followed him because he is worried about his mom. Jack takes Derek at gunpoint and forces him onto the chopper.

7:39 A.M.
Tony is wheeled into CTU on a gurney. He suffers from head trauma that has affected his speech. Curtis shows Buchanan that Tony’s phone records prove he spoke to Palmer on the day Jack was killed. The transcript files have been corrupted.

7:40 A.M.
Logan comes to see his wife and she apologizes for making a scene. Martha thinks that Palmer was killed because of her. She explains that Palmer had called her yesterday and wanted to meet about something involving national security and Logan. The President wonders why Palmer didn’t call him directly, but Martha points out that he shut Palmer out of the White House. She was his only access. Martha realizes that her husband doesn’t believe her. “I am not crazy!” she exclaims. Logan promises that he will have Cummings look into it. He sweetly asks her to get ready for the Russian president’s visit.

7:42 A.M.

Logan tells Cummings that Martha is suffering from another one of her delusions. He recounts what she told him about Palmer. Logan doesn’t want Cummings to do anything about her claims.

7:43 A.M.
Aboard the helicopter, Jack assures Derek that he is not being kidnapped. He only wants to prevent him from going to the police. When Derek asks who he is, Jack answers: “Someone who’s not supposed to still be alive.”

7:44 A.M.
Jack calls Diane and instructs her to pick up her son in Los Angeles. She is freaked out, but he asks her to trust him. Jack explains to Derek will be freed once he’s completed his task in Los Angeles.

7:50 A.M.
Edgar is worried about Chloe because she hasn’t arrived or answered her cell phone. Spenser assures Edgar that Chloe is fine because he saw her earlier. Edgar realizes that they are dating.

7:52 A.M.
Chloe arrives by taxi at the oil refinery to meet Jack. Her jacket gets caught in the fence and she leaves it. Chloe thinks she can tap into the CTU mainframe from the research library at Cal Tech. With no car, they get back in the helicopter.

7:53 A.M.
As Jack starts the engine, a car pulls up. He realizes that the men have been following Chloe. The helicopter cannot achieve enough speed to take off. The van and another car approach. Jack throws smoke bombs in front of the chopper, and has Chloe take Derek to hide. Haas and his team cannot see through the smoke. Jack takes the team down one by one.

7:54 A.M.
Haas approaches where Chloe and Derek are hiding. Jack shoots him in the leg. Chloe quickly plugs rounds into Haas, but Jack yells for her to hold her fire.

7:55 A.M.
Jack orders Chloe to walk away with Derek. He tells Haas that he will only receive medical attention if he confesses why they are after him. Haas says that Palmer was the primary target and the others were just a diversion to make it look like Jack did it. Haas doesn’t know who hired him. When Jack learns that this is the man who killed Palmer, he shoots him. Chloe and Derek wince as they watch.


The only former President to have an attempt on his life is Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt left office in 1909 but was shot in 1912 while making another bid for the Presidency. Although he recovered right before the vote, Roosevelt lost the election to Woodrow Wilson.

Four American presidents have died from assassins’ bullets. In 1865 John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln. James Garfield was shot in 1881, and William McKinley was shot in 1901. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.

Sitting Presidents have also survived attempts on their lives, including Andrew Jackson, Franklin D. Roosevelt (as president-elect), Harry S. Truman, Gerald Ford (twice) and Ronald Reagan.